Care about your jewellery

If you want your jewellery to last for a long time, please, take care of it.

Metals and gemstones are long lasting if looked after. In fact, metals scratches and change shape, some more easily than others but if you are careless you will end up damaging your jewellery.

Gemstones can chip and break if you knock them. Even diamonds, the hardest gemstones (10 on Mohs scale), have a weak spot whose location is unknown, but if you know on that spot the diamond breaks. Softer or brittle gemstones require more care and often a more protective setting is a wiser choice.

Avoid creams, perfume, household detergents. Store it nicely to limit scratches and keep protected and clean. Clean it with mild soap, warm water and a soft brush.

If anything happens, don’t worry. Contact us, we do all the repairs and maintenance services.